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HPV and Men
Produced by: Sarah McCammon
Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is the cause of most cervical cancer in women, and many girls are being vaccinated against the virus. Now researchers for new vaccines are targeting men. Sarah McCammon, of NET Radio in Nebraska, explains how easily men can pass the virus to their sexual partners even if they themselves remain healthy, and why vaccinating young people of both genders could be beneficial in reducing the spread of the virus.

The photograph showing the DNA of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) was provided, with permission, from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln/ Angie Fox, illustrator/ 2010.

Program Credits

HPV and Men was produced by Sarah McCammon, and mixed by Jared Weissbrot with support from science editor Barbara Culliton. This program is part of the series "World of Viruses" produced with support from SEPA, the Science Education Partnership Award Program at NIH, the National Center for Research Resources, in collaboration with NET Radio, the Nebraska Center for Virology and the University of Nebraska.


World of Viruses
Check out our collection of documentaries that focus on different viruses, from those necessary for the environment to others detrimental to our health.

CDC Fact Sheet
Know the facts about Men and Anal Cancer.

Are You at Risk for Cancer from HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) : The Number One Cause of Cancer Is Not Cigarettes, but Viruses
by: Larry H. Gregory 2005
This book gives answers to tough questions about HPV related cancers including anal and neck cancer.

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Programs by Sarah McCammon

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