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October 22, 2024

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Pole to Pole is an international media collaboration covering events of the 2007-2009 International Polar Year. The programs document scientific research, climate study, historic and natural preservation, and life at the polar extremes.


IGY:Weather Report produced by Barbara Bogaev
Hear about the evolution of the weather forecast, and meet the Mastermind of Meteorology. Barbara Bogaev tracks the career of Hurricane Harry Wexler.
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IGY: On the Ice produced by Barbara Bogaev
Before polar fleece, before GPS, and well before snowmobiles, modern scientists took to the ice. Barbara Bogaev reports on what they discovered.
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When the snow melts on Svalbard produced by Irene Quaile
The Polar Regions may be the "canary in the coal mine" for climate change. Visit the northernmost scientific outpost in the world, with Irene Quaile of Radio Deutsche-Welle, and hear what they're discovering about the polar climate.
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Climate Change College produced by Irene Quaile
Sometimes it's better to come face-to-face with climate change than to hear about it on the news. Radio Deutsche-Welle's Irene Quaile follows students from around the world as they research the effects first-hand.
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Meltdown produced by Dan Grossman
Glaciers around the world are moving and melting at an impressive but alarming rate. Dan Grossman foretells what can happen when they're gone
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Fire and Ice produced by Dan Grossman
Ever wondered what it would be like having a year with two winters? Dan Grossman found out.
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Southern Ocean Voyage produced by Sarah Castor-Perry and Margot Foster
Take a 2-month cruise around the southern ocean with the ABC's Margot Foster to sample the marine life, and find out how it is affecting and being affected by climate change.
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Everest and Beyond produced by Jack Perkins
Return with us and meet a modern adventurer, Sir Edmund Hillary. Radio New Zealand's Jack Perkins tells the story of one of the last true explorers to cross the Antarctic ice.
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Life at McMurdo produced by Soundprint Staff
With a bowling alley, open mic nights at the watering hole, and Thanksgiving marathons, life at the bottom of the planet (Antarctica) is not as stark as we may think.
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant #0632194. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).

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