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Residence Elsewhere
Produced by: Joan Schuman
Settling down. It's a term that's associated with maturity, with being well-adjusted. The converse-- a person drifting from place to place-- is usually regarded with some suspicion and wariness. If, in the act of settling down, we join mainstream society, then the documentary, "Residence Elsewhere," is about someone living on the margins. His name is Doug Alan and he's a musician. His chosen life- style is that of urban nomad. Alan moves from city to city in a self-crafted mobile home--a life on wheels. He is in Chicago at the moment, making improvements to his rolling home. His story is layered with a chorus of three other Chicago nomads in varying stages of arrival and departure. All of them are trying to define the meaning of "home," when you're constantly on the move.

Program Credits

Residence Elsewhere was produced by Joan Schuman. This program originally aired on WBEZ, Chicago, as part of its "Chicago Matters" series, "Inside Housing."


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MotorHome Magazine
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Tales of a Female Nomad: Living at Large in the World
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Financial, health and safety tips before embarking on your next voyage.

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Programs by Joan Schuman

Radio for between the ears
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