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Afghanistan's Forgotten Children
Produced by: Eric Beauchemin
Disabled people in Afghanistan have tended to be hidden by their families. They have been regarded as a source of shame. But Afghan society is beginning to change its attitudes, if only because so many people have become disabled or lost limbs over the past two decades of war. The Comprehensive Disabled Afghan Programme assists about 20,000 disabled people a year. The group's rehabilitation workers, who are volunteers and paid workers, identify disabled people, decide what kind of help can be offered and then arrange for services such as orthopedic workshops, physiotherapy, job placement, micro-credit, job training and integrating disabled children in schools. Produced by Eric Beauchemin of Radio Netherlands.

Program Credits

Afghanistan's Forgotten Children was produced by Eric Beauchemin of Radio Netherlands. The technical production was by Rick Kingma. This program aired as part of the international documentary exchange series Crossing Boundaries.


Disability in Afghanistan: SERVE
SERVE is a Dutch Christian charity which has been helping Afghans for over two decades now...

Disability in Afghanistan: AABRAR
The Afghan Amputee Bicyclists for Rehabilitation and Recreation, AABRAR,has trained over 2000 disabled people to ride a bike, mostly mine and polio victims

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Programs by Eric Beauchemin

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